Testing Event Description
Testing Event Description Mar 30

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Testing Event Description


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Getting Started with Content for Events

A great place to start with content marketing for events is to use it to inform potential attendees about the relevant details of your event. You’ll want them to know the essentials – what, when, where – but also, who’s going to be speaking and exhibiting, ticket prices, itineraries and, most importantly, why they should come. You could even use your content to help them get the most out of the day.

Broadcasting this information and your core messages out to potential attendees can seem like an overwhelming task. Remember though that the internet offers lots of tools and platforms to help you get your content out there. More on this later.

What types of content can you create to promote your event?

There are many different forms that your content can take. Here are the main types of content you should consider when marketing an event:

  • Posts on your website or blog. They can include: short form news items, long form relevant articles rich in detail and with useful takeaways, interviews with speakers, listicles or quizzes.
  • Promotional videos or vlogs.
  • Visual or text-led updates / posts to your social media channels. Creating a Facebook event where you post regular updates is an important part of marketing an event online. You can read our guide to Facebook event marketing for more tips.
  • Remarketing adverts for ad platforms on Google, Bing, Facebook and Twitter.

When thinking about the best format for your content, it’s important to know your options. It is not always helpful to create content for every channel available to you – just because it’s there doesn’t mean it’s right to use.

Creating lots of content for all available platforms can sometimes be counterintuitive to your objectives as well as being a time vampire. A clear understanding of your aims and goals is fundamental to creating effective content. This is a great time to pause for thought.

Top Tip: Stop and think. Make a cup of tea and draw up a strategy document. List your aims and goals. How can content help achieve them? Do you have assets ready to use or will you have to create them from scratch? What is your main message? Think about each format…does it naturally fit your message? Also think about what forms of content would most appeal to your target audience. We’ll come back to this document later.

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30-03-24 - 07:00 Start date
30-03-24 - 18:00 End date
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